Sunday, September 6, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

Aaahhhh! We are heading in to a great time of year to be in Korea! Fruit and vegies are coming in. Yummo. The temperature is cooling. Things are good! We've spent Jimmy's birthday with our sweet friends they Ayers and Youngs. Two special families we are blessed to know.

The grumpy middle picture was my failed attempt today to capture the perfect Christmas card pic. The boys were both sweetly sleeping near each other....and in red. How could I resist. I could see the caption "twas the night before Christmas".......As I snuck up to take the pic, Jimmy woke. He groggily climbed in front of Ben to snuggle with him and started yelling "no mommy! no picture!". Ben woke. And this is the pic I got.
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1 comment:

Jennifer Miller said...

love the middle pic! "Things happen but we always have each other" kind of expression! Brotherly Love Jennifer Miller